Canadian Style Paddling Courses
Canadian Style Paddling (CSP) courses emphasize precise and efficient control of the canoe. These courses are designed for paddlers whose interest focuses on achieving a high level of control of the canoe or those looking to become instructors or trip leaders.
Canadian Style Paddling 1A (Tandem)
Canadian Style Paddling 1A is an introduction to tandem Canadian style paddling.
Prerequisites: Basic Level 3 or comparable skills
Course Length: 2 days
Canadian Style Paddling 1B (Solo)
Canadian Style Paddling 1B is an introduction to solo Canadian style paddling.
Prerequisites: Basic Level 4 or comparable skills
Course Length: 2 days
Canadian Style Paddling 2
Canadian Style Paddling 2 builds upon the techniques and skills learned in Level 1. Upon successful completion of this course the canoeist will be competent in repeatedly conducting standard Canadian Style Paddling maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Canadian Style Paddling 1
Course Length: On average 2-4 days
Canadian Style Paddling 3
Canadian Style Paddling 3 represents the highest paddling flatwater skill level. The emphasis is on solo paddling with a high degree of precision and control. Candidates should enter this level with a fair degree of canoeing skill focusing on solo paddling.
Prerequisites: Canadian Style Paddling 2
Course Length: On average 4+ days